FIG. 3.
Effects of silencing geminin or Cdt1/Dup and cosilencing geminin and Cdt1/Dup or Cdc6, measured by flow cytometry analysis. (A to C) Geminin knockout induces asynchronous overreplication and partial polyploidy. 2N and 4N represent the cells containing 2N and 4N DNA content, respectively. (D to F) Cdt1/Dup silencing promotes accumulation of the sub-G1 population. (G to I) Cdt1/Dup knockout suppresses geminin deficiency-induced polyploidy and overreplication. For all profiles, the control (Neo) is indicated by a thin line while the geminin, Cdt1/Dup, and geminin plus Cdt1/Dup knockouts are indicated by thick lines. (J and K) Cdc6 knockout partially suppresses geminin deficiency-induced polyploidy and overreplication. The geminin single knockout is indicated by a thin line, while the geminin plus Cdc6 double knockout is indicated by a thick line.