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. 2006 Jan;16(1):37–44. doi: 10.1101/gr.4145906

Table 2.

Chimeric transcripts found in the ENCODE regions

ENCODE region Chromosome Gene 1 (upstream 5′) Transcripts 1 Promoter activity Gene 2 (downstream 3′) Transcripts 2 Promoter activity Supporting EST RT-PCR
ENm009 chr11 TRIM6 NM_001003818 45.88* TRIM34 NM_021616 242.41* AB039903
NM_058166 (1.11 ± 1.57) NM_130389 (1.06 ± 1.36)
HTC116 MG63
ENr233 chr15 SERF2 NM_005770 929.73* HYpk NM_016400 1.88 AK000438
(1.05 ± 1.66) (1.04 ± 1.45)
Be2C Panc1
ENm005 chr21 CRYZL1 BC033023 82.11* DONSON NM_017613 9.90* AL157441
(1.19 ± 2.23) NM_145794 (1.19 ± 2.23)
JEG3 NM_145795 JEG3
ENr223 chr6 C6orf148 NM_030568 230.36* AC019205.8-001 AK090984 115.18* BM544101
bA257K9.4-002 (1.05 ± 1.66) (1.02 ± 1.12)
bA257K9.4-001 Be2C HMCB
ENm013 chr7 AC003076.1-001 AC003076.1-001 N/A PFTK1 NM_012395 2.43 AF119833 Brain
(1.22 ± 2.43) Liver
HepG2 Colon
ENr331 chr2 Q96IW3 BC007201 2.95 Q9H8B3 AK023854 11.61* BI559709 Muscle
(1.09 ± 1.41) (1.19 ± 2.23) BG912151
G402 JEG3
ENm005 chr21 C21orf59 NM_021254 463.68* TCP10L NM_144659 1.27 Heart
NM_017835 (1.01 ± 0.74) (1.01 ± 0.74)
AK094456 U87 U87

Tandem chimeric transcripts in the ENCODE regions supported either by ESTs or RT-PCR of computational predictions, or both. Gene and Transcript identify the genes and transcripts involved in the TICs. Supporting ESTs are the ESTs supporting the TICs after our filtering protocol (see Methods). RT-PCR lists the tissues in which expression of the chimeric transcript has been detected in the RT-PCR experiment (see Fig. 2). Experimental validation of putative promoters by reporter assay is shown on the promoter activity column. The transcription start sites were predicted by assigning the 5′ end of each gene model as the transcription start site supported by full-length cDNAs. Relative reporter activity was determined by comparing the firefly luciferase/Renilla luciferase ratios of reporter constructs in 16 different cell lines (see Trinklein et al. 2003, 2004). The highest firefly luciferase/Renilla luciferase ratios values are shown together with the mean and the standard deviation of the negative controls for the corresponding cell line. Promoter fragments with a significant reporter activity (exceeding three times the standard deviation of all control fragments) are marked with an asterisk. The firefly luciferase/Renilla luciferase ratios from the promoter regions and the negative controls were obtained from the UCSC Browser.