Figure 1.
LTP induced by theta frequency stimulation is dependent on translation and independent of transcription. (A) LTP induced by theta frequency stimulation is long lasting. Sample traces 10 min before and 3 and 4 h after theta frequency stimulation are shown in the insets. Calibrations: 3 mV, 4 msec. (B) Application of protein synthesis inhibitor emetine (100 μM) blocked the late phase of LTP induced by theta frequency stimulation. (○) Control; (•) emetine. The addition of emetine did not alter the baseline EPSPs (Δ, n = 5). (C) Application of transcriptional inhibitor Actinomycin D (40 μM) did not block the late phase of LTP induced by theta frequency stimulation. (○) control; (•) Actinomycin D. (D) Application of actinomycin D significantly blocked the late phase of LTP induced by four trains of 100-Hz stimulation (3-min apart). (○) Control; (•) Actinomycin D. Sample traces in the insets on B,C,D were taken 10 min before and 180 min after LTP-inducing stimulation. Calibrations: 2 mV, 4 msec.