(A) Distribution of p-values for trait–gene correlations between transcripts and gonadal fat mass. At FDR = 0.01, 4,613 transcripts are significantly correlated with the trait.
(B) Number of eQTLs generated by the 4,613 genes significantly correlated with gonadal fat mass. Of these, 1,130 genes possessed at least one significant eQTL.
(C) Distribution of 1,478 eQTLs significantly correlated with gonadal fat mass across the genome in 2-cM bins.
(D) Identification of genomic regions enriched for eQTLs correlated with gonadal fat mass. The x-axis represents genome position in 2-cM bins, and the y-axis represents the −log10 Fisher exact test p-value for enrichment of eQTLs in overlapping 6-cM bins. The dashed line corresponds to p = 0.05 after correction for multiple comparisons. One significantly enriched region on Chromosome 19 is shown. The Chromosome 19 (40-cM) hotspot is coincident with a cQTL for gonadal fat mass and is highlighted in red.