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FIG. 5.

FIG. 5.

Rectal mucosa contains DC-SIGN+ cells that also express CCR5 and CD4 close to the lumen. Rectal sections were stained with antibodies against DC-SIGN (DC4) (green) and CCR5 (red) (A and C), CD4 (red) (B and D), or CD31 (red) (F). (C and D) Close-ups of the areas of rectum tissue near the lumen shown in panels A and B, respectively. Images were captured using either 10× (A, B, and F) or 40× (C and D) objective lenses. The nucleus was stained with DAPI (blue). In order to colocalize DCs that expressed D-SIGN, CCR5, and CD4, rectum sections were stained with three antibodies: anti-DC-SIGN (green), anti-CCR5 (blue), and anti-CD4 (red). Confocal microscopy was used to determine triple-positive cells (indicated by the white arrow) with a 40× objective lens (E). L, lumen. This figure is representative of rectal samples from six different donors examined.