FIG. 2.
STAT-3 binds within HBV enhancer 1. (A) The EMSA was carried out in the presence of 32P-labeled FPV probe and STAT-3 protein synthesized in bacteria. Lane 1, probe alone; lane 2, 1 μg of STAT-3 protein; lanes 3, 5 , and 7 , 100-fold excesses of wild-type unlabeled FPV, STAT-3, and PBF oligonucleotides, respectively; lanes 4, 6, and 8, 100-fold excesses of mutant FPV, STAT-3, and PBF oligonucleotides, respectively. (B) The EMSA was carried out as described above but with the inclusion of normal human IgG (lane 1) and anti-STAT-3 serum (lane 2). (C) The EMSA was carried out in the presence of 32P-labeled PBF probe. Lane 1, probe alone; lane 2, 1 μg of STAT-3 protein; lanes 3 and 5, 100-fold excesses of unlabeled wild-type PBF and STAT-3 oligonucleotides, respectively; lanes 4 and 6, 100-fold excesses of mutant PBF and STAT-3 oligonucleotides, respectively.