Effects of genotype and age on bone mineral density (BMD). (A, B) BMD of femur and spine in selective Runx2-II-deficient mice. (C, D) BMD of femur and spine in non-selective Runx2-deficient mice. BMD analysis of the femoral and lumbar spine was assessed by the PIXImus™ mouse densitometer at 6-, 12-, and 24-week-old in Runx2-II+/+, selective Runx2-II+/−, Runx2-II−/−, and non-selective Runx2+/+, Runx2+/−, Runx2−/− mice. Reductions in both femoral and lumbar spine BMD were greater in 6-week-old Runx2-II null mice compared to heterozygous selective Runx2-II+/− and non-selective Runx2+/− mice. Wild-type mice from non-selective Runx2-deficient strain have a lower BMD compared to wild-type mice used in the proceeding analysis, likely due to the fact that that they are derived from a different genetic background. Data represent the mean ± SEM. *Difference from wild-type Runx2-II+/+ mice; #difference from heterozygous Runx2-II+/− mice at P values specified below the bar graft at each time point. The time-dependent increments in BMD at 6, 12, and 24 weeks were also significantly different (as indicated by brackets above the bar graphs).