Fig. 3.
SAHBA penetrates Jurkat leukemia cells by fluid-phase endocytosis and localizes to the mitochondrial membrane. Jurkat leukemia cells were incubated with FITC-labeled peptides for 4 hours at 37°C, followed by FACS analysis (A). FITC-SAHBA uptake occurred in a time-dependent manner at 37°C (B), but no FITC-SAHBA labeling was evident by 4 hours, when the experiment was performed at 4°C (C). Live confocal images demonstrated a colocalization of FITC-SAHBA with 4.4-kD dextran-labeled endosomes (D) but not transferrin-labeled endosomes (E) at 4 hours. A mitochondrial colocalization was evident by 24 hours, as demonstrated by the merged images of FITC-SAHBA and MitoTracker in live cells (F) and those of FITC-SAHBA and Tom20 (a mitochondrial outer-membrane marker) in fixed cells (G). Arrows highlight sites of colocalization corresponding to the surface of mitochondria cut in cross section (G).