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. 2005 Oct;40(5 Pt 2):1605–1619. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2005.00445.x

Table 1.

Examples of Publications That Present Validity Issues and/or Validation Techniques

Manuscript Title, Journal, Year “Type” of Validity Validation Technique(s)
“Psychometric Evaluation of Selected Pain Intensity Scales for Use with Cognitively Impaired and Cognitively Intact Older Adults,”Rehabilitation Nursing, 2005 “Concurrent” Spearman correlation across scales
“The Psychometric Properties of Five Scoring Methods Applied to the Script Concordance Test,”Academic Medicine, 2005 “Differential” Correlation with multiple-choice exam scores
“Predictive” Association with clinical performance
“Research Burnout: A Refined Multidimensional Scale,”Psychological Reports, 2004 “Factorial” Confirmatory factor analysis
“Nomological” Not provided
“A Level-of-Functioning Self-Report Measure for Consumers with Severe Mental Illness, Psychological Services, 2002 Construct Correlation across persons
“Further” Correlation across self-reports, case manager ratings, interviewer ratings
“Sensation and Distress of Pain Scales: Reliability, Validity, and Sensitivity,”Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2001 Convergent Correlation across scales
Construct Correlation across scales
Discriminant Correlation across scales
“Development and Initial Validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire,”Behavioral Research & Therapy, 2001 Convergent Partial correlation with other instruments
“Known-groups” MANOVA, ANOVA across groups, instruments
“Ensuring Content Validity: An Illustration of the Process,”Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2001 Content Agreement (κ) of experts; focus group of nurses