Table 1.
Examples of Publications That Present Validity Issues and/or Validation Techniques
Manuscript Title, Journal, Year | “Type” of Validity | Validation Technique(s) |
“Psychometric Evaluation of Selected Pain Intensity Scales for Use with Cognitively Impaired and Cognitively Intact Older Adults,”Rehabilitation Nursing, 2005 | “Concurrent” | Spearman correlation across scales |
“The Psychometric Properties of Five Scoring Methods Applied to the Script Concordance Test,”Academic Medicine, 2005 | “Differential” | Correlation with multiple-choice exam scores |
“Predictive” | Association with clinical performance | |
“Research Burnout: A Refined Multidimensional Scale,”Psychological Reports, 2004 | “Factorial” | Confirmatory factor analysis |
“Nomological” | Not provided | |
“A Level-of-Functioning Self-Report Measure for Consumers with Severe Mental Illness, Psychological Services, 2002 | Construct | Correlation across persons |
“Further” | Correlation across self-reports, case manager ratings, interviewer ratings | |
“Sensation and Distress of Pain Scales: Reliability, Validity, and Sensitivity,”Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2001 | Convergent | Correlation across scales |
Construct | Correlation across scales | |
Discriminant | Correlation across scales | |
“Development and Initial Validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire,”Behavioral Research & Therapy, 2001 | Convergent | Partial correlation with other instruments |
“Known-groups” | MANOVA, ANOVA across groups, instruments | |
“Ensuring Content Validity: An Illustration of the Process,”Journal of Nursing Measurement, 2001 | Content | Agreement (κ) of experts; focus group of nurses |