Table 1.
Description of CAHPS Three-State Pilot Hospital Survey Content
Paraphrased Item Text | Filter?* | Responses† |
Nurse Communication | ||
During your stay at this hospital, how often | ||
5 …did nurses listen carefully to you? | N/S/U/A | |
4 …did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect? | N/S/U/A | |
6 …did nurses explain things in a way you could understand? | N/S/U/A | |
7 …did nurses spend enough time with you? | N/S/U/A | |
9 …did you get help as soon as you wanted it? | Y | N/S/U/A |
Doctor Communication | ||
12 …did doctors listen carefully to you? | N/S/U/A | |
11 …did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect? | N/S/U/A | |
13 …did doctors explain things in a way you could understand? | N/S/U/A | |
14 …did doctors spend enough time with you? | N/S/U/A | |
25 …did doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff involve you in decisions about your treatment as much as you wanted? | N/S/U/A | |
Physical Comfort | ||
20 …did you get help with bathing, washing, or keeping clean as soon as you wanted? | Y | N/S/U/A |
22 …did you get help in getting to the bathroom or in using a bedpan as soon as you wanted? | Y | N/S/U/A |
24 …did doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff make sure that you had privacy when they took care of you or talked to you? | Y | N/S/U/A |
27 …did your family and friends receive the help they needed when they called or visited the hospital? | Y | N/S/U/A |
17 …were your room and bathroom kept clean? | N/S/U/A | |
18 …was the area around your room quiet at night? | N/S/U/A | |
16 …was the temperature in your room comfortable? | N/S/U/A | |
Pain Control | ||
33 …did doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff do everything they could to help you with your pain? | N/S/U/A | |
32 …was your pain well controlled? | Y | N/S/U/A |
31 …did doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff respond quickly when you asked for pain medicine? | Y | N/S/U/A |
35 …were these tests and procedures done without causing you too much pain? | Y | N/S/U/A |
Medicine Communication | ||
Before giving you any new medicine, how often did doctors, nurses or other hospital staff | ||
38 …tell you what the medicine was for? | Y | N/S/U/A |
37 …tell you the name of the medicine? | Y | N/S/U/A |
39 …ask you if you were taking any other medicines or supplements? | Y | N/S/U/A |
41 …describe possible side-effects of the medicine in a way you could understand? | Y | N/S/U/A |
40 …ask if you were allergic to any medicines? | Y | N/S/U/A |
Discharge Information | ||
Before you left the hospital did you get information in writing about | ||
49 …what symptoms or health problems to look out for after you were discharged? | Y/N | |
47 …what activities you could and could not do? | Y | Y/N |
48 …whether you would have the help you needed when you were discharged? | Y | Y/N |
51 …how to take this medicine at home? | Y | Y/N |
Unrelated | ||
28 During this hospital stay, when doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff first came to care for you, how often did they introduce themselves? | N/S/U/A | |
43 Were there any unreasonable delays in the admission process? | Y/N | |
44 When you were admitted to the hospital for this stay, were you asked if you had a living will? | Y/N | |
Overall Rating of Hospital | ||
52 ‡ Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst hospital possible and 10 is the best hospital possible, what number would you use to rate this hospital? | 0 to 10 |
A filter is a question that proceeds the focal question and determines whether the respondent has had the experience required to answer the focal question. “Y” in this column means that the focal question was proceeded by a filter.
N/S/U/A means that the response choices were, in order of presentation, “Never,”“Sometimes,”“Usually,”“Always.” Y/N means that the response choices were “Yes,”“No.”.
0-to-10 means that the responses were 11 check boxes ordered vertically under the question beginning with a box labeled “0.”.