Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of SHT (GenBank accession no. AF329463) and THT (GenBank accession no. AY819700), and a phylogenetic tree of THTs and SHT. A, Identical amino acids are denoted as dots, and gaps are indicated by dashes. The conserved acyl-CoA binding sites are underlined (RxxxGXG and FYxxxG represent domains I and II, respectively). B, Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the PHYLODRAW program ( NtTHT1 and NtTHT represent THTs from tobacco (AJ131768 and AJ005062); LeTHT1-3, LeTHT7-8, and LeTHT7-1 are THTs from tomato (AY081905, AY081907, and AY081906); StTHT denotes a THT from potato (AB061243); and CaSHT is from pepper (AF329463).