Sequence of mutation | % IRES activity (relative to wild type)a |
AU AAAAA U (wild type [XLCSFV 1-442.NS′]) | 100 |
AU AAAAU U | 113 |
AU AAAUU U | 94 |
AU AAAUA U | 92 |
AU AAUUU U | 53 |
AU UUUAA U | 52 |
AU UAAUA U | 41 |
AU UUAAU U | 37 |
AU UAUUA U | 29 |
AU AUUUU U | 28 |
AU UUUUU U | 25 |
AU U (5-nt deletion) | 6 |
IRES activity relative to the wild-type control was calculated as described in Table 1.