Effects of Physostigmine on Changes in Behavior Induced by MK-801 in Mice. One of three doses of physostigmine were administered (s.c.) prior to administration of one of two doses of MK-801 in separate groups of mice (n = 10-12 per experimental group). Each panel represents the results of a different behavioral measure; i.e., panel a - the number of trials required for acquisition of a spatial reversal learning task; panel b - the number of trials required for reversal learning; panel c – spontaneous locomotion; panel d – freezing behavior in response to a remembered context; panel e – freezing behavior in response to an altered context, and panel f – freezing behavior in response to the cue used in conditioning. See the narrative for ANOVA results. Significant differences between individual groups pretreated with one of the three doses of physostigmine prior to administration of saline or one of two doses of MK-801 as compared to the groups pretreated with saline prior to administration of saline or one of two doses of MK-801 are denoted by * (p<.05), **(p<.01), or ***(p<.001).