Rescued 7-P23H-Rh acquires mature glycosylation. A, WT Rh acquires mature glycosylation with all of the analogs, both in the case of regeneration in cell membranes and when retinals were added during biosynthesis.Lanes 1–3, regeneration in membranes with 11-cis-retinal, 11-cis-6-ring retinal, and 11-cis-7-ring retinal, respectively; lanes 4 and 5, 11-cis-6-ring retinal or 11-cis-7-ring retinal added during biosynthesis. B, 7-P23H-Rh acquires Golgi-associated glycosylation only with 7-locked analogs and only when retinals were added during biosynthesis. Lanes 1–3, regeneration in membranes with 11-cis-retinal, 11-cis-6-ring retinal, and 11-cis-7-ring retinal, respectively; lanes 4 and 5, 11-cis-6-ring retinal or 11-cis-7-ring retinal added during biosynthesis. The usage of different retinoids is coded using bars, the colors of which correspond to those in Fig. 2. C and D, purified 7-Rh and 7-P23H-Rh treated with N-glycanase. E and F, immunoblotting of 7-Rh and 7-P23H-Rh eluted at pH 6.0 and 7.0. MW, molecular weight.