Immunoprecipitation of HAV5 E1 proteins from extracts of BHH cell lines with HAV5 E1-specific antibodies. A549, A549-infected with HAV5, 293-Puro, BHH2C, BHH3, and BHH8 cells were labeled with Trans[35S]-label, and cell extracts were immunoprecipitated with anti-HAV2 E1A (13S-5; Santa Cruz) (A), anti-HAV2 E1B-21kDa (3D11; Calbiochem) (B), and anti-HAV5 E1B-55kDa (9C10; Calbiochem) (C) antibodies. Each HAV5 E1 protein is indicated by an arrow. The position of the molecular weight marker is shown on the right side of the panel.