FIG. 2.
Phylogenetic trees of partial HIV-1 pol sequences (complete PR and RT codons 1 to 261) for patients 1 (A), 2 (B), 3 (C), and 4 (D) during antiretroviral treatment interruption. Trees were constructed as described in Materials and Methods. Filled symbols represent plasma-derived sequences, and open symbols represent PBMC-derived sequences. Samples were taken the day of therapy interruption (day 0) and 30 and 60 days later. Numbers at branch nodes refer to the number of bootstrap repetitions (out of 1,000) in which the sequences grouped together; only frequencies greater than 70% are shown. Sequence dissimilarity (distance) is shown on the horizontal axis. The genotypes at drug-resistance-associated codons in HIV-1 PR and RT are indicated next to the corresponding clone. Drug-resistance-associated mutations, as defined by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (49), are underlined.