FIG. 5.
Stereo views of the Aura virus glycosylation sites. (A) Asymmetric unit of the Aura virus glycoproteins. Four SFV E1 molecules (blue) were fitted into the AuraT density map at the lower portion of the spike and in the skirt (violet). The Aura virus carbohydrate densities are shown and were determined by generating difference maps between AuraT and each of the four SINV deglycosylation mutants (17). The AuraT carbohydrate densities are colored (E1-139 in brown, E1-245 in red, E2-197 in light green, and E2-319 in magenta). (B) Electron density of Aura virus and the shift in position between the Aura carbohydrate densities and those of SINV (green for E1-139 and blue for E2-318). The broken lines indicate possible pairs of Aura E1-139 and E2-319 carbohydrate sites which belong to one heterodimer (assignment I in Fig. 6).