Figure 3.
β-Gal activity and vector genome copy numbers in muscles and organs after systemic administration of rAAV6 vectors with VEGF. (a,b) β-gal activity (a) and rAAV genome copy number (b) in striated muscles after intravenous injection of 2 × 1011 vector genomes of rAAV6–CMV–lacZ coadministered with 1 (yellow; genomes not determined for TA), 5 (orange), or 10 (red) μg of VEGF, compared with no VEGF administration (gray); 1 arbitrary unit = 8 × 104 vector genomes μg/DNA. (c) β-gal activity in a variety of organs after intravenous injection of 1 × 1012 vector genomes of rAAV6–CMV–lacZ alone (black) or with 10 μg of VEGF (dark red) (d) rAAV6 genomes are detectable in organs from c; 1 arbitrary unit = 9 × 106 vector genomes/μg DNA. Data from uninjected animals (white bars) are shown in a and c. Data are mean values ± s.e. TA, tibialis anterior; Br, brain; Lu, lung; Li, liver; Sp, spleen; In, intestine; Ki, kidney; Te, testes. Animals were examined 11 days post-treatment.