FIG. 4.
Factor VIII and X-Gal costaining of kidney sections from transgenic animals. (A through C) Section through the outer medulla from a LANAp-lacZ transgenic mouse (A), a nontransgenic littermate (B), and a tie-2p-lacZ transgenic mouse (C). Sections are counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin. (D through H) Factor VIII and X-Gal costaining of kidney sections from either tie-2p-lacZ (D and G) or LANAp-lacZ (E, F, and H) mice. (I through K) X-Gal staining of liver sections, counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin, from transgenic animals. Sections are from a LANAp-lacZ transgenic mouse (I), a nontransgenic littermate (J), and a tie-2p-lacZ transgenic mouse (K). Blue staining, β-galactosidase activity; brown staining, Factor VIII expression. Black arrowheads indicate areas of intense staining; white arrowheads indicate the absence of staining.