Comparison of c(s) and dc/dv for the sedimentation of a two-site reaction A + 2B ↔ AB + B ↔ ABB with equivalent noncooperative sites. Sedimentation profiles were calculated on the basis of Lamm equation solutions with explicit reaction terms for instantaneous local equilibrium. The parameters were based on a molecule A (100 kDa, 6 S) with two identical noncooperative sites available for binding of a smaller ligand molecule B (50 kDa, 4 S), resulting in 8-S and 10-S complexes. Simulated concentrations were for A: 0.1-fold KD,1 (dark blue), 0.3-fold KD,1 (light blue), KD,1 (red), threefold KD,1 (green), and 10-fold KD,1 (gray), and B in twofold molar excess of A, respectively. (A) Sedimentation coefficient distributions c(s) (solid lines, in units of fringes/S) for P = 0.9, and asymptotic reaction boundaries dc/dv calculated for the same parameters (solid bars, in units of fringes/S), with the corresponding undisturbed boundary indicated as solid circles (shown in fringe units). For comparison, the short-dashed lines indicate c(s) profiles calculated for the three highest concentrations with a frictional ratio fixed at 1.3. (B) Isotherms of sfast, as derived from integration of the fast c(s) peak only (black circles), and sw of the total sedimenting system derived from integration of the complete c(s) distribution (gray squares). The solid lines are the theoretically expected isotherms for sfast from GJT (Eq. 4) and for sw from mass action law at rest (Eq. 5), respectively. (C) Signal amplitudes cfast (○) and cslow (•) determined by integration of the c(s) peaks of the boundary components, and corresponding isotherms determined by GJT (solid lines).