Exchange rates for CaM in the CaM:SEF2-1mp complex. Residues with significant exchange rates are marked with their residue number. The secondary structural elements of CaM are outlined in each panel. The error bars have been left out for clarity. All exchange rates are at a nominal field of 600 MHz. For a numerical data list and further details we refer to Table S2. (a) Exchange rates, Rex, at 600 MHz and at 308 K, as determined from the ratio of R2 relaxation rates at 400 and 600 MHz (22). The error in the Rex is ∼±2 s−1, based on 3% average error in the R2 derived at 400 MHz, 4% average error in the R2 derived at 600 MHz, and possible variations in the 15N chemical shift anisotropy between −150 and −200 ppm. (b) Conformational exchange at a nominal field of 600 MHz and at 308 K as determined with the relaxation-compensated CPMG experiment (20). The difference in R2 (ΔRex) determined with 2δ = 3.6 ms and 2δ = 450 μs in the CPMG is plotted as a function of the CaM sequence. ΔRex is the average of measurements at 600 MHz (hard 15N 180-pulse) and 500 MHz (hard and soft 15N 180-pulse). The ΔRex values at 500 MHz were multiplied with 1.44 to convert to 600 MHz field. The error in the ΔRex is ±0.7 s−1, based on the standard deviation between the three individual ΔRex experiments. (c) The difference in ΔRex (ΔΔRex) at 600 MHz determined at 308 and 300 K. The error margin is ±1.4 s−1 (indicated by horizontal lines), based on the average error in ΔRex of ±0.7 s−1 at both temperatures.