Correlation diagram of Rex and ΔRex at 600 MHz. The exchange lifetime scatter around ≈ 50 μs. The Rex and ΔRex show a linear dependence given the exchange time
according to fast exchange limit (Eqs. 3 and 4) (solid lines) and according to the approximate function (Eq. 6) (within 15%), proposed by Ishima and Torchia (34), which applies over all timescales provided pA ≫ pB (dashed lines). In these calculations of theoretical Rex and ΔRex correlations, the CPMG delay, δ1 and δ2 were set to their experimental values, Δex ranges from 0 to 6 ppm to cover the relevant range, ωI to its corresponding value (ΔexωI is maximum 2100 s−1), pA is taken for convenience equal to 0.5 for the fast exchange limit calculations (solid lines) and equal to 0.9 for the general equation (dashed lines). Both equations show similar correlation lines given this range of parameter values.