Effect of motor protein inhibition on the (mutant) anVirE2 complex behavior. (A) PDF histogram (11,929 points from 20 traces) of the animalized complex with kinesin activity suppressed by AMP-PNP. (B) PDF histogram (12,193 points from 27 traces) where dynein was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate. Curves in both cases are best fits to the Gaussian PDF with quasidiffusion coefficient D indicated in each graph. (C) MSD for three cases: kinesin inhibition by AMP-PNP (•, solid line), dynein inhibition by vanadate (▪, dashed line), and inhibition of dynein by antidynein antibody (⋄, dotted line overlapping dashed). (D) Restoration of classical Brownian motion for plant complex by F-actin disruption (▪) and additionally microtubule depolymerization (•). Diamonds show the MSD of the mutant complex movement with depolymerized F-actin. Expressions for power-law fits are displayed in panels C and D as in Fig. 4 D. Note the close match of the plVirE2 results shown here, indicating the absence of interaction with microtubules, and the similarity between the anVirE2 result shown here and that in Fig. 4 D, in the presence of F-actin, as the microtubule-driven motion is not hindered by the actin network.