Genetic map of the cor region in FhuA-dependent phages and the corresponding region of T1-related phage Rtp. Homologous genes of FhuA-dependent phages HK022, N15, ES18, Φ80, and T1 and T1-related phage Rtp are indicated by white arrows. J, homolog of λ tail fiber gene J; fibB, putative second tail fiber gene (the module of three recombination genes in T1 and Rtp is followed by fibB homologs in these phages); cor, lysogenic/lytic conversion gene (see text). The lengths of the gene products are indicated inside the arrows; values between the gene arrows indicate intergenic distances (negative values for overlapping genes). The genome of Φ80 has not been sequenced. Two partial ORFs encoding FibB and a homolog of the conserved but uncharacterized 212-, 225-, 217-, and 228-aa proteins of the other FhuA-dependent phages were identified by TBlastN searches of the nucleotide database entry for Φ80 cor (D00360). The genes of Rtp shown by gray shaded arrows, including that for the putative lipoprotein Rtp45, are not homologous to the genes of the FhuA-dependent phages. The latter display a conserved arrangement of the genes between fibJ and cor.