FIG. 2.
Comparison of the backbone structures of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) E1 with tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) E. (A) Ribbon diagrams, with domain I in red, domain II in yellow, fusion peptides in green, and domain III in blue. (B) Stereodiagram showing superposition of Semliki Forest virus E1 (blue) on tick-borne encephalitis virus E (red). (C) Alignment of Sindbis virus (SINV) and Semliki Forest virus E1 with tick-borne encephalitis virus E, based on the structural superposition of Semliki Forest virus E1 on tick-borne encephalitis virus E. Residues of tick-borne encephalitis virus E that do not match the structure of Semliki Forest virus E1 have been omitted. Residues in domains I, II, and III are colored red, yellow, and blue, respectively, consistent with the coloring scheme used above and throughout. Shown is the complete amino acid sequence of Sindbis virus and just those residues of tick-borne encephalitis virus that could be structurally aligned with Semliki Forest virus E1. Sequences underlined with a solid bar are β-strands, and those underlined with dashed bars are α-helices. Secondary structural nomenclature is taken from Rey et al. (39).