(Right). Localization of P15 compared with that of Br-RNA, P131, and ER. The first row of images shows the same ER-GFP transgenic protoplast infected with T1, T2, and TRep-EG15 processed at 24 hpi. Green fluorescence of EGFP/P15 fusion protein is shown in panel A. Primary antibodies against Br-RNA and P131 were revealed, respectively, by Alexa 568 (red, B) and Alexa 633 (white, C) secondary antibody. Digital superimposition of images from the same 0.45-μm optical section shows Br-RNA and EGFP/P15 (D), P131 and EGFP/P15 (E), and P131 and Br-RNA (F). The third and fourth rows correspond to the same representative ER-GFP transgenic protoplast infected with T1, T2, and TRep-RFP15 (red) in two different optical sections at 48 hpi. Green ER-GFP fluorescence (G and J) and red RFP/P15 fluorescence (H and K) are superimposed in panels I and L. Bar, 10 μm.