EMSA for NS2 and truncated NS2 proteins with ssRNA size markers. The ssRNA markers (9,000, 7,000, 5,000, 3,000, 2,000, 1,000, and 500 bases) were used at 1 μg per assay, with each purified fusion protein added at 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 μg per sample. Retardation of ssRNA mobility was demonstrated by the retention of movement relative to the loading wells (shown at the top of each panel). The 3,000-base ssRNA size marker is highlighted in each gel. Panel A shows the intact NS2 protein and the triple deletion Δ67/68/N, panel B shows the single deletions Δ67 and Δ68, panel C shows the single deletion ΔN and the double mutant Δ67/68, panel D shows the double deletions Δ67/N and Δ68/N, and panel E shows the control proteins GST and BSA.