FIG. 6.
Induction of anti-CVB3 immunity inhibits CVB3/M-induced pancreatitis. (A) Female NOD mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 5 × 105 TCID50 of CVB3/GA (CVB3/GA) or virus diluent (control) at 4 weeks of age. Symbols: □, control; ○, CVB3/GA-M; ▵, CVB3/GA; ◊, medium-CVB3/M. One group of mice previously inoculated with CVB3/GA was then inoculated with CVB3/M at 6 weeks of age (CVB3/GA-M). A group of age-matched mice that received only virus diluent at 4 weeks of age was inoculated with CVB3/M at 6 weeks (medium-CVB3/M). The experiment was terminated when surviving mice were 35 weeks old. Acinar tissue destruction was not observed in any mouse inoculated with CVB3/GA alone (B) or CVB3/GA followed by CVB3/M (C) or in control mice (D). Fat replacement due to pancreatitis was observed only in mice after inoculation with CVB3/M (E). Images were captured at ×75 magnification. Arrowheads indicate islets. the suppression of T1D incidence by CVB3/M was highly significant (P = 0.0000055), whereas suppression by CVB3/GA or CVB3/GA, followed by that cause by CVB3/M, was not statistically significant (P = 0.064).