Domain structure of Rrp6p. (A) Diagram of Rrp6p indicating the exonuclease domain containing three exonuclease motifs (ExoI, ExoII, and ExoIII), the helicase-RNase D C-terminal (HRDC) domain, and two putative nuclear localization signals. (B) Amino acid sequence homology between the exonuclease domain of Rrp6p and several other closely related proteins: Saccharomyces pombe, Q10146; Human PM-Scl2, Q01780; Caenorhabditis elegans, P34607; Escherichia coli rnd, P09155; Drosophila melanogaster, AAB49975; and E. coli PolI, 1KFD. (C) Amino acid sequence homology between the HRDC domain of Rrp6p and several other closely related proteins: S. pombe, Q10146; Human PM-Scl2, Q01780; C. elegans, P34607; D. melanogaster, AAF55107; E. coli rnd, P09155; and Haemophilus influenza rnd, P44442.