Ty3 proteins occur in foci when Ty3 is expressed under its native promoter in mating cells. Sequences containing the coding region of Ty3-GFP were cloned under the native pheromone-inducible Ty3 LTR in the low-copy vector pRS316 (pNB2176). Ty3 BY4741 (MATa) cells transformed with pNB2176 and BY4742 (MATα) cells transformed with the high-copy vector pYES2.0 were mixed on solid SD-ura and allowed to undergo mating to induce Ty3-GFP expression. (A) Ty3-GFP clusters form in mating cells. Formation of zygotes at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h after mixing. (Top, upper panels) Nuclei and Ty3 clusters (DAPI, red; Ty3-GFP, green). (Top, lower panels) Differential interference contrast (DIC) micrographs of whole cells. Scale bar, 5.0 μm. (Bottom) Cartoon of mating cells. Cells form shmoo projections that fuse to give a zygote dumbbell which then buds. (B) Mating populations were monitored for percentage of cells in zygotes and percentage of zygotes with clusters.