Diagram showing the positions of viable breakpoints relative to other known features in Prp8p (not to scale). Vertical lines above the protein indicate the positions at which Prp8p can be split in two and still function in trans, in vivo. The domains identified in this work are indicated. Numbers refer to amino acid residues. PPP, proline-rich region; NLS, putative nuclear localization signal; RRM, RNA recognition motif; 3.2, a region of particularly high amino acid sequence conservation; MPN, predicted Mpr-1, Pad-1, N-terminal domain; a, b, c, d, and e, genetically defined regions (Kuhn and Brow 2000); 5′SS X-link, a five-amino-acid region identified by photocross-linking to contact the 5′ splice site in pre-mRNA (Reyes et al. 1999). For further details about features in Prp8p, see Grainger and Beggs (2005).