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. 2004 Mar;10(3):355–368. doi: 10.1261/rna.5890304


Prediction accuracies and number of positive and negative samples in the training, testing, and independent evaluation set of rRNA-, mRNA-, tRNA-, and snRNA-binding proteins and of all RNA-binding proteins

Training set Testing set Independent evaluation set
positive negative positive negative
Protein family positive negative TP FN TN FP TP FN SE (%) TN FP SP (%) Q (%)
RNA-binding 2161 2965 1844 6 6802 14 437 10 97.8 4685 196 96.0 96.1
rRNA-binding 708 972 1243 2 9031 13 95 6 94.1 4931 66 98.7 98.6
mRNA-binding 277 2106 129 0 10164 0 130 34 79.3 5833 213 96.5 96.0
tRNA-binding 94 792 114 0 9295 2 48 3 94.1 5028 5 99.9 99.8
snRNA-binding 33 1988 7 0 10373 1 9 11 41.0 6133 18 99.7 99.5

Predicted results are given in TP (true positive), FN (false negative), TN (true negative), FP (false positive), sensitivity SE = TP/(TP + FN), specificity SP = TN/(TN + FP), and Q (overall accuracy, Q = (TN + TP)/(TP + FN + TN + FP)). Number of positive or negative samples in the testing and independent evaluation sets is TP + FN or TN + FP, respectively.