(A) Aminoacylation and misacylation of wild-type and 3′-deoxyribose-substituted tRNAVal: wild-type valyl-3′rA76 (○), valyl-3′dA76 (▪), threonyl-3′dA76 (•), threonyl-3′rA76 (▴). ValRS concentration is 1.5 μM. (B) Time course of aminoacylation of wild-type and 3′-deoxyribose-substituted tRNAVal with valine: wild-type 3′rA76 (○), 3′dA76 (▪). ValRS concentration is 1 nM. (C) Posttransfer editing by valyl-tRNA synthetase: wild-type valyl-3′rA76 (○), valyl-3′dA76 (▪), threonyl-3′dA76 (•), No ValRS (with threonyl-3′dA76) (□). ValRS and aminoacyl-tRNA concentrations were 0.3 μM and 2 μM, respectively.