Detection of stage-specific RNAs and the corresponding macronuclear genes. Total RNA of vegetative cells and different stages during macronuclear development was isolated, first and second strand cDNA synthesis was performed (see Materials and Methods). For agarose gel electrophoresis equal volumes from the same cDNA preparation were used for each of the four gels. Lane 1, cDNA derived from vegetative cells; lanes 2–5, cDNA derived from exconjugants, 0, 20, 30 or 40 h PC, respectively. The gels were blotted and hybridized with Dig labeled probes generated by PCR amplification of the differentially expressed clones mdp1 (A), mdp2 (B) and mdp3 (C). To check the integrity of the different cDNAs, actin I was used as a control (D). Macronuclear DNA was isolated and separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The gels were blotted and hybridized with the corresponding Dig labeled probes (lane 6).