β,δ-elimination cleavage at abasic site DNA by hFPG1. (A) Incision and (B) probing for covalent hFPG1 DNA intermediates by NaCNBH3 of AP DNA by hFPG1. An aliquot of 30 ng of purified E.coli Apn1, Nei, Nth, Fpg, hOGG1, hFPG1 or no enzyme was incubated with 100 fmol of a 25 bp duplex oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing a single abasic site opposite C. Strand cleavage was analysed by 20% PAGE and phosphorimaging. Protein–DNA complexes were separated by 10% Tricine–SDS–PAGE. (C) Opposite base-independent AP DNA cleaving activity of hFPG1. An aliquot of 30 ng of purified hOGG1 (white) or hFPG1 (grey) was incubated with 500 fmol of a 24 bp duplex oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing a single abasic site opposite A, C, G or T as indicated. Strand cleavage was quantified by 20% denaturing PAGE and phosphorimaging. The results shown represent the averages of three independent experiments.