Fig 1.
Neighbor-joining trees of H. pylori based on sequences at three loci. Sequences are from H. pylori strains from East Asia/Pacific (green), Western countries (red), Venezuela/Puerto Ayacucho (VP, black), Venezuela/Caracas (VC, blue). (a) the vacA s region has four major allotypes: s1a, s1b, s1c, and s2. The majority of Venezuela/Puerto Ayacucho sequences are on the s1c branch on a relatively conserved subbranch or amidst the East Asian/Pacific isolates. (b) HP0638 sequences divide into two major groupings, with sequences from East Asia, the majority of Venezuela/Caracas, and one from Colombia together (Top), and the Venezuela/Caracas sequences and most Western sequences (Bottom). (c) babB sequences divide into two major groupings, with East Asia and most of Venezuela/Puerto Ayacucho (Bottom) together, and Venezuela/Caracas and Western together (Top). CH, China; TH, Thailand; J, Japan; NL, The Netherlands; PO, Portugal; NZ, Maori; AU, Australia; US, United States; PE, Peru; UK, United Kingdom; CO, Colombia; BE, Belgium; FI, Finland; IN, India. Bootstrap values >50 and branch-length indices are shown.