Fig 5.
Expression of Cart-1, X-dll4, and gsc mRNA in the cartilage of the explants and general embryos by in situ hybridization. The Alcian blue-stained section of a 7 day-cultured explant was double-stained with DIG-labeled Cart-1 probe and fluorescein-labeled X-dll4 RNA probes, visualized with Cyanine 3 and fluorescein, respectively. The serial section of above section was stained with DIG-labeled gsc RNA probe and visualized with Cyanine 3. The Alcian blue-stained sections of stage 41 general embryos were stained with DIG-labeled RNA probes and visualized with NBT/BCIP (purple). (A) Cart-1 mRNA (red) and X-dll4 mRNA (green) expression in a section of 7 day-cultured explant. (B) The Alcian blue staining of A. (C) gsc mRNA (red) in the serial section of A. (D) The Alcian blue-stained staining of C. (E) Cart-1 mRNA expression in embryo. (F) X-dll4 mRNA expression in embryos. (G) gsc mRNA expression in embryo. cg, cement gland; et, ethmoid trabecular cartilage; ir, infrarostral cartilage; m, Meckel's cartilage; nt, notochord; oc, oral cavity; ol, olfactory organ; pq, palatoquadrate cartilage. (Bars = 10 μm.)