Figure 3.
Architecture of caCORE SDK-generated system. Systems developed using caCORE SDK are deployed as a Web Application Archive (WAR) to a J2EE application server such as JBoss or a web application server such as Tomcat. Contents of the WAR file can be logically grouped into three categories. Libraries and Utilities are typically packaged as JAR files, and include AspectJ for auditing, Log4J for logging, and Hibernate for object-relational mapping. Framework, Domain Objects and Deployment Descriptors include caCORE SDK classes needed at runtime, domain objects with corresponding hibernate mapping files generated by caCORE SDK, and property files containing configuration parameters. API Services function as a façade or an entry point to the system. Client requests are processed by the interface proxy in the application server and mapped to the appropriate data source by the delegation service. In version 1.0.2 of caCORE SDK, described in this article, only Java APIs are generated; in subsequent versions Web Services APIs can also be generated, with Apache Axis providing SOAP message support.