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. 2006 Feb 10;7:12. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-7-12

Table 1.

Patient Characteristics

Patient Characteristics Percentage
Gender 49% male, 51% female
Age 44.44 (Range = 19–68)
Affected side Left 26%, right 42%, both 33%
Education High school 10%, University 47%, Graduate training 26%
Employment Status Currently employed 57%
Family/unpaid work 2%
Student 25%
Retired 16%
Shoulder Diagnosis Identified 70%
Using Pain Medications 50%
Dominance 9% left, 91% right
Referral Source Physiotherapy Clinics 61%
Newspaper ads 39%

Baseline Status Mean (SD)

CSQ Diverting attention 1.72 (1.40)
CSQ Reinterpreting pain sensations 1.06 (1.10)
CSQ Coping self-statements 3.99 (1.22)
CSQ Ignoring sensations 2.57 (1.26)
CSQ Praying/hoping 1.95 (1.58)
CSQ Catastrophizing 1.43 (1.30)
CSQ Increase behavioural act 2.11 (1.41)

SPADI Pain subscale 53.02 (23.28)
SPADI Disability subscale 32.35 (22.84)
SPADI Total 42.82 (21.80)

SIP Sleep and rest 13.50 (16.06)
SIP Emotional behaviour 12.02 (13.25)
SIP Body care and movement 4.20 (7.40)
SIP Home management score 11.90 (15.94)
SIP Mobility score 2.45 (6.71)
SIP Social interaction 7.88 (13.52)
SIP Ambulation 3.57 (8.54)
SIP Alertness behaviour 10.78 (19.51)
SIP Communication 3.56 (6.56)
SIP Work category 16.32 (22.99)
SIP Recreation and past times 19.53 (19.01)
SIP Eating 1.80 (4.32)
SIP Physical dimension 3.70 (6.70)
SIP Psychosocial dimension 8.44 (11.99)
SIP Total 6.07 (8.58)

VAS 3.56 (2.05)

Follow-Up Rates

3-months 86.0%
6-months 79.8%