Neurons do not survive in co-culture with mutant cortical astrocytes. Cortical neurons (cn) from EGFR+/+ (A, B, E, F) and EGFR−/− (C, D, G, H) brains were co-cultured with wild-type (A, C) and EGFR−/− (B, D) cortical astrocytes (ca) as well as with wild-type (E, G) and mutant (F, H) midbrain astrocytes (ma). Immunofluorescence stainings were performed 10 days after co-culture using GAP-43 (red) as a neuronal marker and DAPI (blue) as a nuclear counterstain. (I, J) Neuronal survival measured by Tunel staining (I) and by the numbers of GAP-43-positive neurons (J) in co-cultures and transwell cultures 8 days after plating. In transwell cultures, astrocytes are plated on transwell dishes, which only allow diffusion of soluble factors. Data represent the mean±s.e.m. of the number of positive cells counted in randomly chosen fields of three independent experiments. Ca: cortical astrocytes; ma: midbrain astrocytes. *P<0.05.