: Cardiovascular Measures after Smoking a Low or High Nicotine Cigarette. Heart rate (bpm), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mm/Hg) after smoking a high nicotine cigarette (filled circles) and a low nicotine cigarette (open circles) are shown on the left ordinates in the first, second and third rows, respectively. Time (min) is shown on the abscissae. Points above BL were collected 10 min before smoking began at time 0. The 12-min cigarette-smoking period is indicated by a grey rectangle. Each data point is the average (± S.E.M.) of 10 subjects. Statistical analyses indicated significant changes from baseline in heart rate [df=18, F= 18, P<.0001], systolic blood pressure [df=11, F=6.1, P=.001], and diastolic blood pressure [df=11, F=7.0, P=.0006] after high nicotine cigarettes. Asterisks indicate points that were significantly different from baseline (* = P< 0.05; ** = P< 0.01). Daggers indicate points that were significantly different after high nicotine cigarette smoking than after low nicotine cigarette smoking († = P< 0.05; †† = P< 0.01); Heart Rate [df=1, F=6.3, P=.021], Systolic Blood Pressure [df=1, F=5.9, P=.026], and Diastolic Pressure [df=1, F=5.8, P=.03].