Figure 2.
Molecular Identity of PEN3 and of the pen3 Alleles.
(A) PEN3 gene structure indicating exons (gray boxes) and introns (black lines connecting exons). The genomic sequence of PEN3 is 6.1 kb. Sequencing of the pen3-1 and pen3-2 alleles revealed single nucleotide changes (asterisks) that result in amino acid substitutions. Two T-DNA alleles (black arrowheads) carry insertions early in the gene.
(B) Predicted architecture of the PEN3 protein. PEN3 is predicted to have 1469 amino acids. The amino acid changes in pen3-1 and pen3-2 occur in the ABC signature motif and the Walker A motif of the first and second nucleotide binding folds (NBF), respectively.
(C) Alignment of amino acids of the two nucleotide binding folds of the 15 members of the Arabidopsis PDR family and of tobacco PDR1. Mutations in pen3-1 and pen3-2 result in changing highly conserved Gly (boldface, underlined G) to larger amino acids, Asp and Ser, respectively. Both changes occur in pockets thought to mediate ATP binding.