Figure 3. PKCϵ and the COIV subunit co-immunoprecipitate following exposure of NCMs to hypoxic PC.
NCMs were exposed to normoxic (Con) or 30 min hypoxia (Hx 30′) as shown. Mitochondria isolated from each treatment group were then subjected to IPs using antisera selective for the PKCϵ (A) isoenzyme or COIV (B). Immunoprecipitates were then subjected to SDS/PAGE and electrotransferred on to nitrocellulose paper followed by Western-blot analyses using anti-COIV (A) or anti-PKCϵ (B) antisera and 125I-labelled Protein A detection (see the Experimental section). Molecular-mass standard migrations (kDa) are indicated on the left side of each autoradiograph. Means±S.E.M. densitometry data were taken from three independent experiments, each from a separate myocyte preparation.