Figure 7. Examples of 4 proteins identified by HTPI as novel proteolytic targets.
A total of 4 proteins were identified as proteolytic targets for either calpain-2, capase-3 and/or in TBI: striatin (A), synaptojanin-1 (B), synaptotagmin-1 (C) and NSF (D). Traditional SDS/PAGE and Western blotting were also performed using monoclonal antibodies against striatin, synaptojanin-1, synaptotagmin (isoform I) and NSF. Samples analysed were calpain-2 and capase-3 digestions (2 left-hand lanes), as well as 4 separate naïve and TBI samples. In (A–D), intact proteins are shown with bold arrows (with MM in brackets). Calpain-2-mediated BDPs are shown with solid arrows. Caspase-3-mediated BDPs are shown with open arrow heads. MMs are as indicated. * In (A) indicates rat light-chain IgG from contaminating blood that cross-reacts with the secondary anti-(mouse IgG) antibody detection system used.