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. 2006 Feb 24;394(Pt 3):715–725. doi: 10.1042/BJ20050905

Table 1. Identity of the degradomic protein targets for calpain-2 and capase-3, and differentially regulated proteins after TBI.

Protein names or abbreviations are listed in the far left column. Their template and lane location are listed on the second column. Swiss Pro ID and predicted MMs are also listed. Where a protein is altered in levels in one of the three conditions (calpain-2, capase-3 or TBI), the fold-change of the parent protein is indicated in the 3 columns on the far right. Since the majority of proteins showed decreased levels in the treatment group versus control (naive), the fold-change always indicates decrease as the default. When a protein level is increased (for some proteins in TBI), the fold-change increase is indicated with a (+) sign and the fold-change is given inside brackets. Also, we have used high stringency inclusion criteria. Only proteins with a band decrease or increase of at least 1.5-fold in all 9 possible comparisons between 3 treatment replicas and 3 control replicas are shown. *, Fold changes for each treatment group are given against controls (naïve). AKAP220, A-kinase anchoring protein; Arp, actin-related protein; ASAP1, Arf GTPase-activating protein; BRMP2, amphiphysin; c-Cbl, casitas B-lineage lymphoma; CtBP1, C-terminal-binding protein 1; cdk2, cyclin-dependent kinase2; DRBP76, double-stranded RNA-binding nuclear protein76; GABA-B-R2, γ-aminobutyric acid-B-receptor2; GS27, Golgi SNARE 27; GSTP, GTP-binding protein appearing to be essential for the G1 to S phase transition of the cell cycle; hPRP17, human homologue of yeast Prp17; MEF2D, myocyte-enhancer-binding factor 2D; mGluR1, metabotropic glutamate receptor1; MEK, MAPK/ERK kinase; Munc-18, non-neuronal syntaxin binding protein; MYPT1, myosin phosphatase target protein1; Nck, Nck adaptor protein 1; Nek2, NIMA (never in mitosis A)-related kinase; NES1, serine protease inhibitor kallikrein; nNOS, neuronal nitric oxide synthase; NSP1, non-structural protein 1; PEX19, peroxisome assembly factor 19; PKC, protein kinase C; PMCA2, plasma membrane calcium pump isoform2; RIP2/RICK (receptor-interacting protein kinase2/Rip-like interacting caspase-like apoptosis-regulatory protein kinase; SCAMP1, secretory carrier-associated membrane protein1; SCAR-1, suppressor of cAMP receptor-1; SLK, Ste20-like kinase; Smg/GDS, stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein; TBP, TATA box-binding polypeptide; TFIIS, transcription factor IIS; TNIK, Traf2 and Nck-interacting kinase.

Protein Lane Swiss Pro ID MM (kDa) Calpain-2* (fold-decrease) Caspase-3* (fold-decrease) TBI* [fold-decrease/(increase)]
Template A
 AKAP220 1 Q62924 220 >10 >10 >10
 Amphiphysin 1 Q95163 125 >10
 ASAP1 39 Q9QWY8 130 >10
 BRMP2 15 O08539 96/89 >10 7.31
 CaMPK-II 36 P11275 52 5.23 5.67
 CASK 3 Q62915 120 (+5.8)
 Dynactin 19 Q13561 50 >10 >10 >10
 Endopeptidase 29 P42676 80 >10
 GABA-BR2 36 O088871 130 >10 >10 >10
 GSTP2 33 O88180 88 4.77
 Integrin-α3 22 Q62470 135 >10 >10 >10
 M-calherin 34 P10287 130 >10
 mGluR1 19 P23385 133 >10
 Munc-18 3 Q99PV2 68 >10 >10
 MYPT1 29 Q9DBR7 130 3.38 3.93 5.00
 nNOS 7 P29475 155 >10
 PKC-β 18 P05771 80 >10 7.31
 PKC-ϵ 10 Q02156 90 6.50
 PKC-γ 30 P05129 80 >10 3.30 >10
 PMCA2 17 P11506 133 >10 >10 >10
 Psme3 29 Q12920 36 (+4.7)
 Rabphilin-3A 23 P47709 75 >10 >10
 SNAP-25 7 P13795 25 >10 >10 >10
 Synapsin-IIa 13 Q63537 74 >10 1.70 10.10
 Synapsin-1 23 Q62910 140 >10 >10
 Synaptotagmin 11 P21579 65 2.91 1.50
Template B
 α-Actinin 9 AAA51582 104 (+8.41)
 Adaptin 29 P17426 112 >10 6.12
 Bad 30 Q61337 23 10.80 3.23 3.00
 β-Catenin 5 Q02248 92 >10 >10 >10
 Cathepsin L 22 P07711 43 7.18 >10 7.71
 Ceruloplasmin 37 Q61147 150 (>+10)
 Dynamin 26 P21575 >100 10.69 >10 4.41
 Ki-67 8 P46013 395 >10 >10
 MEF2D 3 Q63943 70 >10 >10
 Nck 2 P16333 47 >10
 NSP1 24 Q9Y2X4 72 >10 >10 >10
 p150Glued 26 P28023 150 >10 >10 >10
 p190 3 Q13017 190 >10 >10 >10
 PKC-α 25 P17252 82 3.67 >10
 SII/TFIIS 32 P23193 38 >10 >10 >10
 Smac/Diablo 6 Q9NR28 22 >10 >10 >10
 DRBP76 7 Q13906 90 >10
Template C
 Arp-3 18 P32391 50 >10 >10
 CaMPK-IV 12 Q16566 60 3.11 2.63 4.26
 c-Cbl 9 P22681 120 >100
 cdk2 9 P24941 (>+10)
 hPRP-17 15 O60508 66 3.33 2.36
 MEK2 5 P51955 46 >10
 NES1 38 O43520 30 (>+10)
 p55-Cdc 8 Q9BW56 55 >10
 Profilin 28 P07737 15 >10 >10
 RIP2/RICK 26 AAH04553 61 2.59
 α/β-SNAP 21 P54920 35/36 >10 13.79
 Syntaxin 6 7 Q63635 31 3.81
 Striatin 22 P70483 110 9.31 3.01 6.51
 TBP 26 P20226 37 (+7.31)
 TNIK 38 Q9UKE5 150 2.59
Template D
 Catenin/p120 32 P30999 120 >10 >10 >10
 GS27 10 O14653 27 (>+10)
 p190-B 28 Q13017 195 >10 >10 >10
 PEX19 29 P40855 38 6.31
 RONa 27 Q04912 40 >10
 SCAMP1 38 O15126 36 7.40
 Synapsin-Ia 38 P09951 80 >10 9.90
 ATP synthase 21 P15999 55 >10 5.84 >10
 βII-Spectrin 8 Q01082 240 >10 >10 6.30
 β-Raf 25 P15056 95/72 >10 >10 2.71
 Clathirin heavy chain 39 P11442 120 >10 >10 7.43
 CtBP1 26 Q91W16 48 >10 >10
 NSF 13 P46459 82 >10 3.30 2.59
 SCAR-1 4 Q92588 80 >10 7.50 3.23
 SLK 13 NP_055535 125 4.00
 Smg/GDS 13 CAA45067 57 (>+10)
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure