Fig 3.
Transition rates and stochastic tunnels of the probabilistic process describing the dynamics of early steps in colon cancer. The states X0, X1, and X2 refer to homogeneous crypts of non-CIN cells with 0, 1, and 2 inactivated copies of APC, respectively. The states Y0, Y1, and Y2 refer to homogeneous crypts of CIN cells with 0, 1, and 2 inactivated copies of APC, respectively. The probability that a CIN cell with reproductive rate r reaches fixation in a crypt of N cells is given by ρ = rN−1(1 − r)/(1 − rN). The mutation rate per gene per cell division is given by u. The mutation rate from non-CIN cells to CIN cells is given by uc = 2ncu, where nc is the number of genes that cause CIN if one copy of them is mutated. The rate of LOH in CIN and non-CIN cells is given by p and p0, respectively. Let γ = (1 − r)2rN−2 if r < 1 and γ = (r − 1)/{rN log[N(r − 1)/r]} if r > 1. Network i occurs in two cases: (ia) ≪ 1/N and |1 − r| ≪ 1/N and (ib)
≪ 1/N and |1 − r| ≫ 1/N and p ≪ γ. Network ii occurs in three cases: (iia) if
≫ 1/N and |1 − r| ≪
, then R = Nuc
, (iib) if r < 1 and
≫ 1/N and 1 − r ≫
, then R = Nucpr/(1 − r), and (iic) if r > 1 and
≫ 1/N and r − 1 ≫
and p ≫ γ, then R = N2ucplog[N(r − 1)/r]. Network iii occurs if r < 1, p ≫ γ, and
≪ 1/N ≪ 1 − r; we have R = Nucpr/(1 − r). Network iv occurs if r > 1, p ≪ γ, and r − 1 ≫
≫ 1/N. In addition, networks i–iv require that
≪ 1/N. Network v occurs if
≫ 1/N. This is a complete classification of all generic cases.