Analytical PCR of genomic DNA from C. albicans BWP17 parent strain and CGT1 or CCM1 deletion strains. (Left panel) schematic diagrams of wild-type or insertional deletion mutants for C. albicans chromosomal DNA at the CGT1 and CCM1 loci with oligonucleotide binding sites. The expected sizes for the PCR products indicated for the genomic structures are as follows: 1,140 bp for wild-type CGT1 and 1,480 bp for wild-type CCM1 (A); 2,600 bp for both Δcgt1::ARG4 and Δccm1::ARG4 (B); and 1,600 bp for both Δcgt1::URA3 and Δccm1::URA3 (C). (Right panel) PCR fragments separated on 0.8% agarose gel. Lane M, DNA size standards; lane 1, C. albicans BWP17 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CGT1F and CGT1R primers; lane 2, C. albicans CQF153 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CGT1F and CGT1R primers; lane 3, C. albicans CQF170 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CGT1F and CGT1R primers; lane 4, C. albicans BWP17 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CCM1F and CCM1R primers; lane 5, C. albicans CQF154 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CCM1F and CCM1R primers; lane 6, CQF171 genomic DNA PCR amplified with CCM1F and CCM1R primers.