Table 1.
Summary of contents of SeqHound database tables.
Database Table | Contents Summary |
ASNDBs | GI and ASN.1 Bioseq – partitioned into divisions |
PARTITION | GI and division – master list |
ACCDB | GI, accession number, and database specific identifier (if available) |
NUCPROT | protein GI and DNA GI |
PUBSEQ | GI and MEDLINE identifier |
REDUND | GI and redundant group identifier |
SENGI | GI and SeqEntry identifier – partitioned into divisions |
SENDBs | SeqEntry identifier, ASN.1 SeqEntry and division |
CHROM | GI and chromosomal identifier from complete genome |
TAXGI | GI and taxonomy identifier |
TAXDB | Taxonomy hierarchy |
GCODEDB | Taxonomy identifier and genetic code |
DIVDB | Entrez division |
MMGI | GI and MMDB identifier |
MMDB | MMDB identifier and ASN.1 for 3-D structures (Biostruc) |
DOMDB | GI, ASN.1 structural domain and chain redundant set tag |
NRBLASTDB | GI and ASN.1 list of neighbours |
BLASTDB | Hashed pair of GIs and ASN.1 alignment from BLAST comparison |
GO_PARENT | Gene ontology |
GO_NAME | GO identifier and function name |
GO_SYNONYM | GO identifier and synonym |
GO_REFERENCE | GO identifier and reference to other databases (e.g. Enzyme Consortium) |
LL_GO | GI and GO identifier |
LL_OMIM | GI and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man identifier |
LL_LLINK | GIs, Locus Link identifier and chromosomal location |
LL_CDD | GI and Conserved Domain Database identifier extracted from Locus Link database |
RPSDB | GI and Conserved Domain Database identifier, details of alignment |
DOMNAME | Conserved Domain Database annotation |