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. 2005 Nov 24;6(Suppl 1):37–45. doi: 10.1007/s10198-005-0317-y

Table 3.

Entitlements and benefits: services of curative care (HC.1)

HC Functional category Regulatory regimea Benefit catalogue (regulation no. from Table 2, method of classification, date passed, last updateda), taxonomy
1.1 Inpatient curative care Updating of classification systems for payment purposes (4)
Acute inpatient care–somatic, intensive care, mental special area: transplantation 21, Annex 3 (and Annex 8 for high cost high tech interventions; Annex 10 for course-type treatments); itemized by case (linked to diagnosis and therapy); 2 April 1993, 6 August 2004.
26 main groups (major diagnostic categories), altogether with 786 items (DRGs)
1.2 Day cases of curative care
Specialist outpatient care—day surgery 21, Annex 9; itemized by service; 2 April 1993, 6 August 2004.
227 items in two lists: (a) 194 elective surgical procedures (Sect. I), (b) 33 other (“clinical”) interventions (Sect. III)
Special area: hemodialysis 21, Annex 11; itemized by service; 2 April 1993, 2 March 2001.
6 items: (a) hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration; (b) same for patients under 18 years old; (c) peritoneal dialysis, (d) hemoperfusion, (e) hemodialysis with reusable dialysator, (f) mobile treatment
1.3 Outpatient care
1.3.1 Basic medical and diagnostic services
(Curative) primary care Traditional (2, 4)
1.3.2 Outpatient dental care
Dental prophylaxis, care, surgery Traditional (2, 4) 13; itemized by service; 17 December 1997, 1 November 2001.
3 main groups: (a) dental screening, with 7 items in three subgroups; (b) dental emergency services with 10 items; (c) dental primary and secondary care, defined as the payment list, detailed in a separate decree (no. 21)
Updating of classification systems for payment purposes (4) 21, Annex 12; itemized by service; 2 April 1993, 11 March 2003.
125 items in 10 groups: (a) examinations, documentations, 9; (b) prevention, 5; (c) radiography, 5; (d) anesthesia and drug prescription, 5; (e) tooth preserving services and endodontia, 12; (f) oral diseases and parodontology, 11; (g) dental surgery, 24; (h) dental prosthetics, 26; (i) child, school, and youth dental services, 13; (j) orthodontia, 15
1.3.3 All other specialized health care
Specialist outpatient care–somatic Updating of classification systems for payment purposes (4) 21, Annex 2; itemized by service; 2 April 1993, 27 August 2004.
List contains 3,166 (and together with the dispensary specific services 3,204) items (based on the 1978 ICPM of WHO)
Specialist outpatient care–mental; special area: psychoanalysis, -therapy 21, Annex 15; itemized by service; 11 May 2004.
Altogether 120 items (82 items overlap with Annex 2) in five main groups: (a) skin and STD, 29 items; (b) oncology, 26 items; (c) pulmonology, 25 items; (d) psychiatry, 19 items; (e) addictology, 21 items
1.3.9 All other outpatient curative care
Outpatient care by other professionals Updating of payment classification systems (4) As with 1.3.3, which are included (e.g., logopedia, physiotherapy, dietetics, optometry, acupuncture); the rest are implicitly excluded (e.g., chiropody, bioenergy treatments, iris diagnostics, hydrotherapy)
Alternative and complementary medicine
Special area: balneotherapy and physiotherapy Traditional (4) 11 (definition of entitlements, regulation of prescription, utilization, and professional requirements); itemized by service; indications and contraindications; 9 November 2004.
Annex 1, balneotherapy services, 10 items; Annex 4, physiotherapy services, 13 items; Annexes 5 and 6, indications and contraindications
Price negotiations (4) 18; itemized by service; 19 September 2003.
3 groups with the same 10 items; copayment is different for spas, which have national, regional, and local qualification
1.4 Services of curative home care Traditional (4) 23, Annex 1 (specifies professional requirements); itemized by service; 26 July 1996, 9 June 1999.
13 service categories, 22 items (includes hospice at home)

a Benefit catalogues with the traditional regulatory regime are updated on an ad hoc basis, while the updating of payment lists is regular. All benefit catalogues are issued as ministerial decrees.