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. 2006 Feb 15;7:25. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-7-25

Table 1.

Summary statistics of the dataset used in this study. MicroRNA genes detected by homology search relative to the contents of the MR 6.0.

Genome MR 6.0 known new all
hsa 227 215+12 23 238
ptr - 0 183 183
cfa 6 6 195 201
bta - 0 138 138
mmu 230 215+17 26 241
rno 191 180+6 39 219

mdo - 0 139 139
gga 122 122 17 139
xla/xtr (7) (7) 126 133

tru - 0 171 171
tni - 0 179 179
ola - 0 152 152
dre 33 60 205 265

spu - 0 40 40
cin - 0 6 6
csa - 0 3 3
odi - 0 5 5

dme 78 78 0 78
dps 73 72 0 72
dya - 0 74 74
dan - 0 64 64
dvi - 0 67 67
dmo - 0 69 69
aga 38 42 10 52
tca - 0 24 24
ame 25 26 12 38
bmo - 0 17 17

cel 116 117 2 119
cbr 79 82 3 85

sma - 0 4 4

Σ 1222 1993 3215

The set of "known" microRNAs differs in some cases from MR 6.0 because some database entries could not be mapped to the current genome assembly, or mapped to more than one genomic locus. The mir-134 cluster is excluded from this list (its known members are indicated separately for human, mouse and rat in the MR 6.0 column). The last column ("all") provides the statistics for the data set provided in the electronic supplement, the column "new" lists all those pre-miRNA sequences that were detected by homology search and are contained in MR 6.0. For Xenopus 7 microRNAs were reported for Xenopus laevis, a close relative of the sequenced Xenopus tropicalis.

Species abbreviations.

Mammals: hsa, Hs: Homo sapiens; ptr, Pt: Pan troglodytes; cfa, Cf: Canis familiaris; bta, Bt: Bos taurus; mmu, Mm: Mus musculus; rno, Rn: Rattus norvegicus; mdo, Md: Monodelphis domesticus; other tetrapods: gga, Gg: Gallus gallus; xla: Xenopus laevis; xtr, Xt: Xenopus tropicalis; teleost fishes: tru, Tr: Takifugu rubripes; tni, Tn: Tetraodon nigroviridis; dre, Dr: Danio rerio; basal deuterostomes: spu, Sp: Strongylocentrotus purpuratus; cin, Ci: Ciona intestinalis; csa, Cs: Ciona savignyii; odi, Od: Oikopleura dioica; insects: dme, Dm: Drosophila melanogaster, dps, Dp: Drosophila pseudoobscura, dya, Dy: Drosophila yakuba, dan, Da: Drosophila ananassae, dvi, Dv: Drosophila viridis, dmo, Do: Drosophila mohavensis, aga, Ag: Anopheles gambiae, tca, Tc: Tribolium castaneum, ame, Am: Apis mellifera, bmo, Bm: Bombyx mori, nematods: cel, Ce: Caenorhabditis elegans, cbr, Cb: Caenorhabditis briggsae, platyhelmint: sma, Sm: Schistosoma mansoni.